--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "Alex Harui" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Like I said, I'm trying to minimize my time per message and 
> give short answers and leave out detail.  Sounds like you're on 
your way
> and that's great.
> Normally, though I don't override data getter/setters in my 
> I map the data to a type in commitProperties.  But there are 
> to every rule...  Nevertheless, I am concerned you haven't fully
> absorbed the "recipe" and maybe looking at your code will shed some
> light on it for you and others as there are things you can't do in 
> setter override that you should only do in commitProperties or 
later and
> thus your current recipe may not be cloneable on your next renderer.

<mx:VBox xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"; width="100" 
        horizontalAlign="center" verticalAlign="middle" 
horizontalScrollPolicy="off" verticalScrollPolicy="off" 
borderStyle="solid" >
                import vo.MediaElement;

                private var _img:String;
                private var _swf:String;
                private var _caption:String;
                private var _data:Object;
                private var _mo:MediaElement;
                private var swfContent:MovieClip;
                private function init():void{
                private function swfLoadHandler(e:Event):void{
                        swfContent = e.target.content as MovieClip;
                override public function get data():Object{
                        return _data;
                override public function set data(_me:Object):void{
                        _data = _me;
                        this.mediaObject = _me as MediaElement;
                        trace('media element set');

                public function set mediaObject(me:MediaElement):void{
                        if (me.imgSrc != ''){
                                this.imgSrc = me.imgSrc;
                        if (me.swfSrc != ''){
                                this.swfSrc = me.swfSrc;
                        this.caption = me.caption;
                        _mo = me;
                public function get mediaObject():MediaElement{
                        return _mo;

                public function set imgSrc(img:String):void{
                        _swf = '';
                        _img = img;
                public function get imgSrc():String{
                        return _img;
                public function set swfSrc(swf:String):void{
                        _img = '';
                        _swf = swf;
                public function get swfSrc():String{
                        return _swf;
                public function set caption(cstr:String):void{
                        _caption = cstr;
                public function get caption():String{
                        return _caption;
        <mx:VBox id="viewHolder" horizontalAlign="center" 
verticalAlign="middle" height="100%" width="100%">
                <mx:Image id="thumbImage" maintainAspectRatio="true" 
source="{'images/'+_img}" scaleContent="true" height="95%" 
        <mx:Label id="theCaption" width="100%" text="{_caption}"  
                <mx:State name="isSwf" enterState="init()">
                        <mx:AddChild relativeTo="{viewHolder}">
                                <mx:SWFLoader id="movie" 
source="{'movies/'+_swf}" maintainAspectRatio="true" width="95%" 
height="95%" scaleContent="true"  />
                        <mx:RemoveChild target="{thumbImage}" />

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