Your call is an update call, but is it returning someithig to Flex
anyway? On all HTTPService calls, I have the backend wrap my data in a
status node, and for update calls, I just return the empty status node
with status="sucess".  This lets me tell the user when the update
happens successfully, or navigate somewhere else, or do whatever I want.


If you are not retuning anything, perhaps Flex sees this as a fault.





From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of George Georgiou
Sent: Sunday, September 30, 2007 4:44 PM
Subject: Re: [flexcoders] HTTPService Error event


Hi Scott,


I have been through many Flex Tutorials but unfortunately our world
lacks of tutorials for connectivity with ColdFusion. I am an experianced
CF developer but unfortunately I cannot figure out how to proceed with
data through Flex and CF. 


Indeed - your way is much easier to write and better to understand than
the one that I have posted. I will keep that one :-) Thanks!


But still... the 'fault' function in the HTTPService tag is always
triggered! Even with your own way.


How can I handle this? All I want is to be able to 'alert' the users
that there is some kind of error (I know how to get the exact error
message through the event handler) but I have no clue how to trigger
this function if and only if there is some kind of problem in my CFM


any ideas?





On 9/30/07, Scott - FastLane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
<mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> > wrote: 

George -

I have not seen this syntax for passing request params to an
HTTPService.  Of course that doesn't mean it is wrong :)  But, here is
how I would do it.

Change button definition to
<mx:Button label="Add Employee" click="callServer()"/> 

public function callServer():void
    var params:Object = new Object();
    params.firstName = firstName.text;


George Georgiou wrote: 



I have this code. It works perfect but I would like to get alerted only
when I have some kind of error in my test.cfm file. Instead, the
'errorAlert()' function always is triggered :(


Any idea's on how to make this work only when I have problems in my
test.cfm file?


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<mx:Application xmlns:mx="
<> " layout="absolute"> 

      url="http://myserver.flex/test.cfm <http://myserver.flex/test.cfm>
            <lastName>{ lastName.text}</lastName>

   import mx.controls.Alert;
   private function errorAlert():void {'Error!');

        <mx:FormItem label="First Name">
            <mx:TextInput id="firstName"/>
        <mx:FormItem label="Last Name"> 
            <mx:TextInput id="lastName"/>
        <mx:FormItem label="Salary">
            <mx:TextInput id="salary"/>
        <mx:FormItem label="Start Date">
            <mx:DateField id="startDate"/>
            <mx:Button label="Add Employee" click=" srv.send()"/>




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