I stumbled upon this example posted by tracy, maybe she will see 
this :), and it's exactly what I need.. except I can't get it to work.

example link:

my code:
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml"; 
                        public var req1:String;
                        public var req2:String;
                <mx:Label id="req1Label" text="req1: "/>
                <mx:Label id="req1Label2" text="{req1}"/>
                <mx:Label id="req2Label" text="req2: "/>
                <mx:Label id="req2Label2" text="{req2}"/>

According to the example, I should be able to do "...requestTest.mxml?
req1=test&req2=blah" and it will fill in the values for req1 and 
req2. It won't work.. I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong.. or 
what the deal is, or if this is even possible with flex (I hope it 

I'm not sure what to search for on this matter.. as everything I do 
search for turns up nothing of relevance. Can anyone shine some light 
on this for me?



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