Hello, i create a big project in flex using modules, RSLs and etc...
This project is real client, and he accept test flex in you website.
Everything works fine (ignoring the 500kb framework file it is
necessary for users to access the site.)

Now i thinking use flex in small projects like simple websites, in old
versions of flex, like 3beta 1 or flex 2 swf files are smaller, like
200kb or 130kb (not really small but acceptable). But now, with beta 2
simple files came to 400kb.

I becoming thinking i waste my time learning flex and waste the money
of my client testing flex in your app, I am already thinking about
redo the whole project in ruby on rails and ajax.

If adobe and flex team does not begin to worry about the size of swfs
believe deeply that the flex will not last for a long time .... And
certainly I will have wasted time and money.


This is the code i use for test size of swf:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml";

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