I have a Flex2 app that sits on a secure intranet running IIS.
One of the functions uploads a file from client-side to the server.
I create the URLRequest to an .asp page receiver, set up params, and
execute a .upload on a FileReference using that URLRequest.

But for some reason, even though I've authenticated against the server
to access the app, I get a second authentication challenge/response
when I hit the upload button.

I've added a cross-domain.xml with 
      <allow-access-from domain="*" />
even though I don't think I should have to since the .asp page is on
the exact same domain as the app. I've even modified the index
template for the Flex project to use allowScriptAccess="always". But I
still get this second IIS login prompt. 

If I authenticate again via this second dialog, the upload executes
properly, so I know the logic and architecture is correct.

Is there a way to pass the user's authenticated info with the
URLRequest/FileReference.upload()? I've poured through the docs and
can't find anything. Or is there something else I'm missing?

Thanks in advance,

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