Hi all,

I have a simple question regarding text values in mxml files. Is it
possible to concat string values in a mxml text or label property?

So something like this:

<mx:Label text="'Value' + 'AnotherValue'"/>

I know that it doesn't work because it uses it as a hole string and
the single strings are not concatenated at all.

But it works if I use data binding instead

<mx:Label text="{BoundValue} + {AnotherBoundValue}"/>

Are there any other possibilities for string concatenation?

I even would like to know if there is any possibility to use string
concatenation using the @Resource directive. Because here even data
binding doesn't work and I don't want to use ResourceManager etc. just
to add a simple colon to the resource string for instance. 

So maybe there is something that works.
Thank for your help.


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