Maybe try your effect on the showEffect rather than the
creationCompleteEffect? I haven't tried this to see if it works... just
a suggestion.





From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of johantrax
Sent: Thursday, October 18, 2007 8:16 AM
Subject: [flexcoders] Re: addChild & creationCompleteEffect


Nobody with any tips? :(


--- In <>
, "johantrax" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Hi all,
> I create a TitleWindow with the PopupManager. The titlewindow should
> dynamically contain a canvas.
> So how did I do that. I gave the titlewindow a property called
> 'contentForm' which contains a canvas. Then in the
> creationComplete-event of the titlewindow, addChild(contentForm) is
> called for adding the canvas to the titlewindow.
> So far, so good...
> Next I wanted to create some popup/popout effect on the titlewindow.
> So I set creationCompleteEffect to 'popup', a mx:Parallel of
> zoom/move/fade. I also set the removedEffect to 'popout', a
> What's the problem? The 'popup'-effect should move the titlewindow
> from the top to the center of the application. I figured this move-tag
> would give me what needed:
> <mx:Move
> yFrom="{-this.height}" yTo="{(Application.application.height -
> this.height) / 2}"
> xFrom="{Application.application.width / 2}"
> xTo="{(Application.application.width - this.width) / 2}"
> />
> However, this isn't working as expected.
> The only logical explanation I can come up with is the following:
> creationComplete and creationCompleteEffect both get executed when the
> creationcomplete-Event is fired. Since the childComponent is only
> added during the handling of that event, the effect playing is not yet
> aware of the change in size.
> This lead me into the FlexDocs, where I learned that adding children
> should be part of the initialisationEvent.
> So I assigned my init()method to the initialize-listener instead of
> creationComplete.
> However, this is giving me the following errors:
> TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null
> object reference.
> at mx.containers::Panel/::showTitleBar()
> at mx.containers::Panel/mx.containers:Panel::layoutChrome()
> at mx.core::Container/mx.core:Container::updateDisplayList()
> ...
> TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null
> object reference.
> at components::PopupFormWindow/::init()
> at components::PopupFormWindow/___TitleWindow1_initialize()
> at
> ...
> My init-method is as follows:
> private function init():void {
> //create inner form
> contentForm.currentState = this.currentState;
> (contentForm as customerPopupForm).ac =;
> this.addChild(contentForm);
> }
> Any help, push in the right direction is really appreciated. I will
> provide the full errormsgs/more code if needed, but I consider this to
> be a long post already ;)
> --Johan


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