I am using the Flex Scheduling Framework in FlexLib, and notice that the
AnimateProperty (a TweenEffect) class does not trigger binding on the
property that it animates.

In this case, it is the 'xPosition' property that is animated. When changing
this property in code, your bindings will fire. However, when using the
animate, it does not:

            var e : AnimateProperty = new AnimateProperty( this );
            e.property = "xPosition";
            e.fromValue = owner.horizontalScrollPosition;
            e.toValue = position - owner.xOffset;
            e.duration = owner.getStyle( "moveDuration" );
            e.easingFunction = owner.getStyle( "moveEasingFunction" ) as

Why / how exactly is that? Anyone? Bueller?

: : ) Scott

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