It is the same syntax.

Here's the more complete solution that I hope illustrate with to call property.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:WindowedApplication xmlns:mx="";
    private var _sum:Number;
    private var _diff:Number;

    private function init():void
        var test:Object = new Object();
        test.prop1 = 10;
        test.prop2 = 20;

        with( test )
            _sum = prop1 + prop2;
            _diff = prop1 - prop2;

        trace( _sum );  // Display 30
        trace( _diff ); // Display -10

        var test2:Object = new Object();
        test2.prop3 = 30;
        test2.prop4 = 40;

        with( test2 )
            prop3 = test.prop1;
            prop4 = test.prop2;
        trace( test2.prop3 ); // Display 10
        trace( test2.prop4 ); // Display 20

Edward Yakop

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