I´ve had the same problems with Line Series, they just wont behave as one
would expect from using other kinds of Series.

I´ve managed to do this either in MXML or in AS. In the latter approach I
had to set the lineStroke style to a Stroke instance...

public static function produceLineSeries(dataObject: Object, numSeries :
Number) : LineSeries
            var stroke : Stroke = new Stroke(colors[numSeries],3);

            var series : LineSeries = new LineSeries;
            series.setStyle("lineStroke", stroke);
            series.xField = dataObject.keyFieldName;
            series.yField = dataObject.valueFieldName;
            return series;

Couldn't manage to do that via CSS since I can't defiene objects in CSS,
just properties.

Hope it helps...


On 11/7/07, Tom Chiverton <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   How do you change the colors given to the line for each series in a
> LineChart
> using a CSS file ?
> The below snippit illustrates what I've tried:
> LineChart{
> chartSeriesStyles: AreaSeriesStyle1,AreaSeriesStyle2;
> }
> .AreaSeriesStyle1{
> areaFill:#AF003D;/* fill color for ColumnChart */
> fill:#AF003D; /*fill color for area chart*/
> stroke-color:#AF003D; /* ? fill for line chart line */
> color:#AF003D;
> }
> .AreaSeriesStyle2{
> areaFill:#AF030D;/* fill color for ColumnChart */
> fill:#AF030D; /*fill color for area chart*/
> stroke-color:#AF030D; /* ? fill for line chart line */
> color:#AF030D;
> }
> --
> Tom Chiverton
> Helping to administratively initiate end-to-end technologies
> on: http://thefalken.livejournal.com
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