Personally i think it very bad idea, can you imagine sort/search 1M
records at client, how fast it will be ? What if you decided to do
full text search by pattern? your client will die! Can you image how
much memory it will consume at client side?

best way to do is - smart server querying, pagination and dynamic load.

--- In, "letterpigeon" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> We've built a flex grid that supports mass action on its data right
> now (column-wise search & replace).  But it just doesn't scale right
> now.  It can hold up to around 3K+ rows in the grid, but it's taking a
> good few mins to load that up from the java backend servlet.  The
> requirement is for the grid to be able to support up to 100K+ or even
> 1 million rows (may be not displaying them all at once, but when the
> mass action/search is taken, it should be performed on the complete
> dataset, not just what is being served up on the grid).
> We're just looking for ideas how this could be achieved, i.e.: if
> pagination is needed, what is the best way to do? client side
> pagination v.s. server?  Could this be a good use case for Flex Data
> Service? etc.
> Any pointers/ideas/experience would be greatly appreicated.  Thanks in
> advance.
> Regards,
> Ban

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