Hello Ralf, i'm using a binding but the problem is my combo had array
collection and labelfield of combo is "nome", for that reason i must
loop over my dataprovider of combobox to find the "nome" saved in
database and select that "nome" in combo... i had 5 combobox and i not
sure create 5 public var for selected index is the best way...

I use a custom component for each page in my viewstack, and now i call
function on show of this custom component and now work.


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "Ralf Bokelberg"
> Hi Daniel
> If you use a binding between a value of you model and the
> selectedIndex of your combobox,
> the control updates automatically whenever you change the model
> //in MyModel
> [Bindable] public var selectedIndex : int
> //in MyForm
> <mx:ComboBox selectedIndex="{ myModel.selectedIndex }" .../>
> Now whenever you change myModel.selectedIndex, the combobox will
> update automatically.
> You can find some more examples of binding in the docs.
> Cheers
> Ralf.

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