I've been trying to get a DataGrid populated from a WebService and
having much trouble. I'm wondering if the issue might be namespace
issues, but I'm confused by the usage and syntax of namespace from the
posts I've found here on that. There is no data in the DataGrid, but
it does appear to flicker and slightly resize it self when I call the
service so it looks like _something_ is going on. I've bound the
service response to an XMLListCollection so I can trace() it and I can
see the XML tree that should be displayed in the DataGrid.

Any ideas why it's not working? Would appreciate any help, been
banging my head on this for days now. Thanks.

Here is the mxml :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml";

                        import mx.collections.XMLListCollection;
                        import mx.controls.Alert;
                        import mx.rpc.events.ResultEvent;
                        private namespace ovServices = 
                        use namespace ovServices;
                        public var ordMedList:XMLListCollection;
                        public var ordMedXMLList:XMLList;
                        public function 
handleOrdMedSearch(event:ResultEvent):void {
                                trace("handling OrdMedSearchResult");
                                var resultXML:XML = XML(event.result);
                                ordMedXMLList = resultXML.child("OrdMedList");
                                //trace("ordMedList : " + ordMedList);
                                ordMedList = new 
        <mx:WebService id="ordMedSearchWS"
                <mx:operation name="searchStartsWith" resultFormat="e4x"
        <mx:HBox x="10" y="70">
                        <mx:Label text="Orderable Med Search" />
                        <mx:TextInput id="ordMedSearchText" width="100"/>
                        <mx:Button label="Search"
                        <mx:Label />
        <mx:DataGrid x="10" y="100" id="ordMeds" width="400"
                                <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Id" 
dataField="id" width="100"/>
                                <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Desc" 
dataField="desc" />

Here is the xml from the trace : 

<OrdMedList xmlns:ns1="http://services.company.com/";
  <ns2:OrdMed xmlns:ns2="http://services.company.com";>
    <ns2:desc xmlns="http://services.company.com";>tylenol</ns2:desc>
    <ns2:id xmlns="http://services.company.com";>7607</ns2:id>
  <ns2:OrdMed xmlns:ns2="http://services.company.com";>
    <ns2:desc xmlns="http://services.company.com";>aspirin</ns2:desc>
    <ns2:id xmlns="http://services.company.com";>7608</ns2:id>
  <ns2:OrdMed xmlns:ns2="http://services.company.com";>
    <ns2:desc xmlns="http://services.company.com";>ibuprofen</ns2:desc>
    <ns2:id xmlns="http://services.company.com";>7609</ns2:id>

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