This might help, hope it does.

--- In, "Brian" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've been trying to get a DataGrid populated from a WebService and
> having much trouble. I'm wondering if the issue might be namespace
> issues, but I'm confused by the usage and syntax of namespace from the
> posts I've found here on that. There is no data in the DataGrid, but
> it does appear to flicker and slightly resize it self when I call the
> service so it looks like _something_ is going on. I've bound the
> service response to an XMLListCollection so I can trace() it and I can
> see the XML tree that should be displayed in the DataGrid.
> Any ideas why it's not working? Would appreciate any help, been
> banging my head on this for days now. Thanks.
> Here is the mxml :
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
> <mx:Application xmlns:mx="";
> layout="absolute">
>       <mx:Script>
>               <![CDATA[
>                       import mx.collections.XMLListCollection;
>                       import mx.controls.Alert;
>                       import;
>                       private namespace ovServices = 
> "";;
>                       use namespace ovServices;
>                       [Bindable]
>                       public var ordMedList:XMLListCollection;
>                       public var ordMedXMLList:XMLList;
>                       public function 
> handleOrdMedSearch(event:ResultEvent):void {
>                               trace("handling OrdMedSearchResult");
>                               var resultXML:XML = XML(event.result);
>                               ordMedXMLList = resultXML.child("OrdMedList");
>                               //trace("ordMedList : " + ordMedList);
>                               ordMedList = new 
> XMLListCollection(ordMedXMLList);
>                       }
>               ]]>
>       </mx:Script>
>       <mx:WebService id="ordMedSearchWS"
> wsdl="http://localhost:8080/OrderViewWeb/services/OrderableMed?wsdl";
>               showBusyCursor="true">
>               <mx:operation name="searchStartsWith" resultFormat="e4x"
> result="handleOrdMedSearch(event)">
>                       <mx:request>
>                               <searchText>{ordMedSearchText.text}</searchText>
>                       </mx:request>
>               </mx:operation>
>       </mx:WebService>
>       <mx:HBox x="10" y="70">
>                       <mx:Label text="Orderable Med Search" />
>                       <mx:TextInput id="ordMedSearchText" width="100"/>
>                       <mx:Button label="Search"
> click="ordMedSearchWS.searchStartsWith.send()"/>
>                       <mx:Label />
>       </mx:HBox>
>       <mx:DataGrid x="10" y="100" id="ordMeds" width="400"
> dataProvider="{ordMedList}">
>                       <mx:columns>
>                               <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Id" 
> dataField="id" width="100"/>
>                               <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Desc" 
> dataField="desc" />
>                       </mx:columns>
>       </mx:DataGrid>
> </mx:Application>
> Here is the xml from the trace : 
> <OrdMedList xmlns:ns1="";
> xmlns:soap="";>
>   <ns2:OrdMed xmlns:ns2="";>
>     <ns2:desc xmlns="";>tylenol</ns2:desc>
>     <ns2:id xmlns="";>7607</ns2:id>
>   </ns2:OrdMed>
>   <ns2:OrdMed xmlns:ns2="";>
>     <ns2:desc xmlns="";>aspirin</ns2:desc>
>     <ns2:id xmlns="";>7608</ns2:id>
>   </ns2:OrdMed>
>   <ns2:OrdMed xmlns:ns2="";>
>     <ns2:desc xmlns="";>ibuprofen</ns2:desc>
>     <ns2:id xmlns="";>7609</ns2:id>
>   </ns2:OrdMed>
> </OrdMedList>

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