OK, I'm being lazy and asking for the best approach to this before I give it a 

I have a custom component based on a canvas. Inside the component is a panel. 
Inside the panel is a controlBar.

In the main application I have the custom component (CompA). 

I want to add another custom component  (CompB) inside the controlBar of the 
custom component (CompA).

It seems to me I have three choices:

1) Copy the custom component (CompA) and make a variation of it (CompC) with 
the controlBar populated with CompB (this is probably the path of least 
2) Use actionscript to add CompB to the controlBar of CompA dynamically - very 
3) Add the CompB in mxml between the tags for CompA. By default this would give 
me CompB inside CompA, but it won't be in the controlBar. I could then add some 
actionscript to the CompB (or perhaps even CompA) to move CompB into the 
controlBar of CompA.

If the custom component were derived from a panel, rather than a canvas, there 
wouldn't be a problem.

So, what's the best approach to make CompB hop from the canvas of CompA into 
the controlBar inside the panel of CompA?

I might just go with 1), but it's interesting to consider 3)

What a pity we can't extend custom components in mxml..


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