Thanks for helping. I had many problems but now it works. 
Messing up with multidimensional arrays etc..

But still I have question.

Is it possible to rotate chart before printing?
because I have multipage printing and allmost all
pages are portrait but i want to rotate barchart so barchart
is landscape. 

I try to use mx:rotate and set duration to 1 but I think its too long.
if I set duration to 0 nothing happen.

Any idea?

--- In, "Mark" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Looks like you may be sending it too soon.  Here's my code for a 
> barChart that should work for a pie as well.  Try reacranging the 
> code a bit and see what happens.  Let us know how it goes.
> Mark
> public function printSnapshotArea():void {
> var printDJob:FlexPrintJob = new FlexPrintJob();
> printDJob.printAsBitmap = false;
> //
> if (printDJob.start()) {
>       var printSnapViewArea:PrintViewSnapshotByArea = new 
> PrintViewSnapshotByArea();
>       addChild(printSnapViewArea);
>       printSnapViewArea.width=printDJob.pageWidth;
>       //
>       printSnapViewArea.printChart.dataProvider = 
> snapHolder.snapViewArea.dataProvider;
>       //
>       printDJob.addObject(printSnapViewArea);
>       removeChild(printSnapViewArea);
>       }
>       printDJob.send();
> }
> --- In, "monkeeeh" <monkeeeh@> wrote:
> >
> > Hi everyone!
> > I have problem again.
> > Im trying to print piechart. 
> > I have custom component (yhteenvetoPrintView) where i have pie 
> chart.
> > If i add dataprovider from other piechart i dont see piechart. But 
> if
> > i create static data to yhteenvetoPrintView i can see pie. 
> > 
> > Is printing too fast that piechart dont have time to get data or
> > something like that.
> > 
> > Please help!
> > 
> > This is what how I try to print:
> > 
> > var printJob:FlexPrintJob = new FlexPrintJob();
> > 
> > if(printJob.start()) {
> > 
> > 
> >      var yhteenveto:yhteenvetoPrintView = new yhteenvetoPrintView
> ();
> >                     
> >      addChild(yhteenveto);
> >      yhteenveto.saatavuusPie.dataProvider =  
> >                           toimVarmuusPie.dataProvider;
> > 
> >      printJob.addObject(yhteenveto);
> >     
> >      printJob.send();
> >     
> >      removeChild(yhteenveto);
> > 
> > }else{
> >      return;
> > }
> >

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