> Does anyone from Adobe have info on why its not and/or if it might be
The Player's EventDispatcher class doesn't provide this capability,
probably because it isn't part of the Document Object Model Level 3
Events Specification. (The Player obviously keeps a list of listeners,
but this is done in C++ code and the list isn't exposed in
ActionScript.) However, I suppose the framework could accomplish what
you want by overriding addEventListener() and removeEventListener() in
every subclass of EventDispatcher to keep track of the listeners. Please
file an enhancement request at http://bugs.adobe.com/flex.
Gordon Smith
Adobe Flex SDK Team


From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of ben.clinkinbeard
Sent: Wednesday, November 28, 2007 6:04 AM
To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [flexcoders] Am I the only one who wishes EventDispatcher
exposed its listeners?

Sometimes it would be really nice be able to access a list of
currently attached listeners by doing something like
myButton.listeners. Having that return a collection of objects that
expose the event type and handler method would be nice and it doesn't
seem like it would be that hard to implement since they're obviously
already kept track of somewhere.

Does anybody else wish this was provided? Does anyone from Adobe have
info on why its not and/or if it might be someday?



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