Thanks for the help.  Your solution worked in practice but I do still
get an error prior to compiling.  If I ignore the error and compile,
though, it works.

But similarly, I want to be able to call functions that are in these
different mxml files.  So if I have an mxml file called
navigation.mxml embedded in the master app file called master.mxml,
how can I call master.mxml functions from navigation.mxml?

Back from the flash days, I thought this would work:


but it doesn't.  I'm sure this problem is related to my earlier post,
that's why I have it in the same thread.



--- In, "ryanharlin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have a simple enough question, I think.  But I've been struggling
> with it for two days.
> I have an mxml application which has a viewstack in it.  The children
> in the viewstack are <fr: tags for other mxml files
> It looks like this:
> <mx:ViewStack id="mainScreens">
> <fr:interfacePanel id="interfacePanel" />
> <fr:otherPanel id="otherPanel" />
> </mx:ViewStack>
> In the mxml file called interfacePanel I have another viewstack with
> interface screens on them.
> How can I select different children of that viewstack from the main
> mxml app.
> I would think I'd do something like this:
> <mx:button
> click="mainScreens.interfacePanel.secondViewstack.selectedChild =
> Page2;" />
> But that doesn't work.
> Does anyone know the method of addressing object across multiple
> nested mxml files?
> Thanks!  Hopefully someone can show me what I'm missing.

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