
I am new to the list and sorry if this is a repeat question!

I am wondering about the recommended 'best practice' on the use of web  
services in an enterprise Flex (2) application.  Looking around I  
found the Kiwi project which seems to suggest that (with proper use of  
Cairngorm) the View (mxml file) never needs to call a web service.   
Rather these should be delegated to the server side.  While that makes  
sense to me, I was wondering if this was now widely considered  

For our application, a very related question is how to handle  
Authentication.  Not how to 'do' authentication, but how securely  
manage it.  More directly related to the above web service discussion,  
so if I am only calling web services from the Server, but those web  
services require a User to be authenticated first, what is the best  

Thanks for any discussion or pointers to previous ones.

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