Hi There

I am extending the TabNavigator (actually SuperTabNavigator) class and
have the corresponding children classes that extend TabBar and Tab
(SuperTabBar and SuperTab).

What I want to do is include a 2nd text field in my custom tab that is
displayed next to the existing textField. I'm getting issues with the
Tab width, which seems to be set somewhere outside of measure, where
my custom text field's width is not included in the calculation & gets
cut off.

I have managed to get past this problem by including the 'width'
property when overriding measure:
override protected function measure():void{
      width = measuredMinWidth = measuredWidth = measuredWidth +

Now I'm having the issue of the TabBar size not updating & the tabs
scroll along the top because they are too large for the parent container. 

My questions are:
a) Is this the correct way in going about updating the tab width, or
is there a better way of doing it?

b) How would one get the parent containers width to update accordingly.


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