Hi. I have a SOAP webservice request that handles a variable number of
array elements. For example, the body of the request would look
something like:


where there can be any number of <update> elements in the
<zeroOrManyUpdates> element, each of which has data modified on
various zoom-in forms.

Since the number of <update> elements varies, I can't predefine the
request in an MXML <mx:request> block.  So I'm assuming that I have to
create and send the request via ActionScript3.  Right?

Unfortunately, I can't find any examples of this in the doc or on
FlexCoders, so I'm posting my question here.

I've mimicked the transform of arrays being returned in a webservice
query response.  So, I've formatted an ObjectProxy that looks like the
structure of the XML request:

  var saveUpdatesRequest:ObjectProxy = new ObjectProxy();
  saveUpdatesRequest.key = "ABC";
  saveUpdatesRequest.zeroOrManyUpdates:ArrayCollection = new ArrayCollection();
  // Create 'update' object here, then
  // Create another 'update' object here, then
  // etc.

then send the request via AS3:


But examination of the webservice received on the server shows that
although the 'key' var is received correctly, the array elements are
not received.

How do I submit a variable number of array elements to a webservice
using Flex and/or ActionScript?

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