Crazy... I just opened my email client to send a similar email. The only
difference is that I want to add a FlexShape.

> -----Original Message-----

> Can anyone see the error in this setup?
> //drawTest.mxml file:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
> <mx:Application xmlns:mx=" 
> <> " layout="absolute" 
> applicationComplete="init()" backgroundColor="0xFFFFFF">
>  <mx:Script>
>   <![CDATA[
>    import src.DrawBitmap;
>    private function init():void
>    {
>     var spiral:DrawBitmap = new DrawBitmap(myCanvas);
>    }
>   ]]>
>  </mx:Script>
>  <mx:Canvas id="myCanvas" x="10" y="10"  width="774" 
> height="463" borderColor="0xD4001A" borderStyle="solid"/> 
> </mx:Application>
> // class:
> package src
> {
>  import mx.containers.Canvas;
>  import flash.display.BitmapData;
>  import flash.display.Bitmap;
>  import flash.geom.Rectangle;
>  public class DrawBitmap
>  {
>   private var _canvas:Canvas;
>   private var _bitmap:Bitmap;
>   private var _imgData:BitmapData;
>   public function DrawBitmap(canvas:Canvas):void
>   {
>    _canvas = canvas;
>    _imgData = new BitmapData(20, 20, false, 0xFF00FF00);
>    _imgData.fillRect(new Rectangle(5, 5, 10, 10), 0xFF0000FF);
>    _bitmap = new Bitmap(_imgData);
>    _canvas.addChild(_bitmap);  //Produces error
>   }
>  }
> }
> At runtime, I get this error in the debugger:
> TypeError: Error #1034: Type Coercion failed: cannot convert 
> flash.display::[EMAIL PROTECTED] to mx.core.IUIComponent.
> at 
> mx.core::Container/
> :addingChild()[C:\dev\GMC\sdk\frameworks\mx\core\]
> Seems to appear on the last line of the DrawBitmap class when 
> I do _canvas.addChild(_bitmap).  That seems legal to me - add 
> a bitmap display object to a canvas display object.  No?  
> What am I missing?  If that's not legal, then how to add my 
> bitmap object to the canvas?
> Thanks,
> Jason Merrill 
> Bank of America 
> L&LD GT&O 
> eTools & Multimedia Research & Development 

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