
I have an ActionScript class mapped to a remote Java class using the
[RemoteClass(alias="...")] syntax, and a Java object accessed via a
RemoteObject component that returns objects of that kind.

For some reason, this object doesn't get converted to its
strongly typed ActionScript class (all other view objects in my class
are correctly deserialized), but gets translated into a generic Object

This is happening silently.. is there any way to debug the reason the
deserialization isn't working as expected? I'm also attaching the Java
and ActionScript source code of the two classes, should this help.
Note that the ActionScript class is statically referenced in my MXML
code, so it should not be a linker optimization issue.

Thank you in advace for any help

// ActionScript class
package fullpackagename {
  import flash.utils.ByteArray;
  public class SoggettoVO {
    public var codAnagrafica:String;
    public var codEsterno:String;
    public var codiceFiscale:String;
    public var dtAgg:Date;
    public var dtCostituzione:Date;
    public var fgObsoleto:String;
    public var fgPersona:String;
    public var fgPrivacy:String;
    public var fgUtilizzoFiscale:String;
    public var idSoggetto:Number;
    public var immagine:ByteArray;
    public var localitaCostituzione:String;
    public var nazionalita:String;              
    public var nomeBreve:String;
    public var nomeImmagine:String;
    public var nominativo:String;
    public var note:String;
    public var numCcia:String;
    public var partitaIva:String;
    public var partitaIvaCee:String;
    public var ragioneSociale:String;
    public var statoAnagrafica:String;
    public var utAgg:String;

// Java class
package fullpackagename;

public class SoggettoVO
    implements java.io.Serializable
     * The serial version UID of this class. Needed for serialization.
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 5584572787978257095L;

    public SoggettoVO()
        this.idSoggetto = null;
        this.fgPersona = null;
        this.nomeBreve = null;
        this.fgObsoleto = null;
        this.utAgg = null;
        this.dtAgg = null;

    public SoggettoVO(java.lang.Long idSoggetto, java.lang.String
fgPersona, java.lang.String nomeBreve, java.lang.String fgObsoleto,
java.lang.String utAgg, java.sql.Timestamp dtAgg)
        this.idSoggetto = idSoggetto;
        this.fgPersona = fgPersona;
        this.nomeBreve = nomeBreve;
        this.fgObsoleto = fgObsoleto;
        this.utAgg = utAgg;
        this.dtAgg = dtAgg;

    public SoggettoVO(java.lang.Long idSoggetto, java.lang.String
fgPersona, java.lang.String nomeBreve, java.lang.String nomeImmagine,
java.lang.String note, java.lang.String fgObsoleto, java.lang.String
codiceFiscale, java.lang.String partitaIva, java.lang.String
nazionalita, java.lang.String nominativo, java.lang.String utAgg,
java.sql.Timestamp dtAgg, java.lang.String codAnagrafica,
java.lang.String codEsterno, byte[] immagine, java.lang.String
partitaIvaCee, java.lang.String fgPrivacy, java.lang.String
fgUtilizzoFiscale, java.lang.String statoAnagrafica)
        this.idSoggetto = idSoggetto;
        this.fgPersona = fgPersona;
        this.nomeBreve = nomeBreve;
        this.nomeImmagine = nomeImmagine;
        this.note = note;
        this.fgObsoleto = fgObsoleto;
        this.codiceFiscale = codiceFiscale;
        this.partitaIva = partitaIva;
        this.nazionalita = nazionalita;
        this.nominativo = nominativo;
        this.utAgg = utAgg;
        this.dtAgg = dtAgg;
        this.codAnagrafica = codAnagrafica;
        this.codEsterno = codEsterno;
        this.immagine = immagine;
        this.partitaIvaCee = partitaIvaCee;
        this.fgPrivacy = fgPrivacy;
        this.fgUtilizzoFiscale = fgUtilizzoFiscale;
        this.statoAnagrafica = statoAnagrafica;

     * Copies constructor from other SoggettoVO
     * @param otherBean, cannot be <code>null</code>
     * @throws java.lang.NullPointerException if the argument is
    public SoggettoVO(SoggettoVO otherBean)
        this(otherBean.getIdSoggetto(), otherBean.getFgPersona(),
otherBean.getNomeBreve(), otherBean.getNomeImmagine(),
otherBean.getNote(), otherBean.getFgObsoleto(),
otherBean.getCodiceFiscale(), otherBean.getPartitaIva(),
otherBean.getNazionalita(), otherBean.getNominativo(),
otherBean.getUtAgg(), otherBean.getDtAgg(),
otherBean.getCodAnagrafica(), otherBean.getCodEsterno(),
otherBean.getImmagine(), otherBean.getPartitaIvaCee(),
otherBean.getFgPrivacy(), otherBean.getFgUtilizzoFiscale(),

     * Copies all properties from the argument value object into this
value object.
    public void copy(SoggettoVO otherBean)
        if (otherBean != null)

    private java.lang.Long idSoggetto;

    public java.lang.Long getIdSoggetto()
        return this.idSoggetto;

    public void setIdSoggetto(java.lang.Long idSoggetto)
        this.idSoggetto = idSoggetto;

    private java.lang.String fgPersona;

    public java.lang.String getFgPersona()
        return this.fgPersona;

    public void setFgPersona(java.lang.String fgPersona)
        this.fgPersona = fgPersona;

    private java.lang.String nomeBreve;

    public java.lang.String getNomeBreve()
        return this.nomeBreve;

    public void setNomeBreve(java.lang.String nomeBreve)
        this.nomeBreve = nomeBreve;

    private java.lang.String nomeImmagine;

    public java.lang.String getNomeImmagine()
        return this.nomeImmagine;

    public void setNomeImmagine(java.lang.String nomeImmagine)
        this.nomeImmagine = nomeImmagine;

    private java.lang.String note;

    public java.lang.String getNote()
        return this.note;

    public void setNote(java.lang.String note)
        this.note = note;

    private java.lang.String fgObsoleto;

    public java.lang.String getFgObsoleto()
        return this.fgObsoleto;

    public void setFgObsoleto(java.lang.String fgObsoleto)
        this.fgObsoleto = fgObsoleto;

    private java.lang.String codiceFiscale;

    public java.lang.String getCodiceFiscale()
        return this.codiceFiscale;

    public void setCodiceFiscale(java.lang.String codiceFiscale)
        this.codiceFiscale = codiceFiscale;

    private java.lang.String partitaIva;

    public java.lang.String getPartitaIva()
        return this.partitaIva;

    public void setPartitaIva(java.lang.String partitaIva)
        this.partitaIva = partitaIva;

    private java.lang.String nazionalita;

    public java.lang.String getNazionalita()
        return this.nazionalita;

    public void setNazionalita(java.lang.String nazionalita)
        this.nazionalita = nazionalita;

    private java.lang.String nominativo;

    public java.lang.String getNominativo()
        return this.nominativo;

    public void setNominativo(java.lang.String nominativo)
        this.nominativo = nominativo;

    private java.lang.String utAgg;

    public java.lang.String getUtAgg()
        return this.utAgg;

    public void setUtAgg(java.lang.String utAgg)
        this.utAgg = utAgg;

    private java.sql.Timestamp dtAgg;

    public java.sql.Timestamp getDtAgg()
        return this.dtAgg;

    public void setDtAgg(java.sql.Timestamp dtAgg)
        this.dtAgg = dtAgg;

    private java.lang.String codAnagrafica;

    public java.lang.String getCodAnagrafica()
        return this.codAnagrafica;

    public void setCodAnagrafica(java.lang.String codAnagrafica)
        this.codAnagrafica = codAnagrafica;

    private java.lang.String codEsterno;

    public java.lang.String getCodEsterno()
        return this.codEsterno;

    public void setCodEsterno(java.lang.String codEsterno)
        this.codEsterno = codEsterno;

    private byte[] immagine;

    public byte[] getImmagine()
        return this.immagine;

    public void setImmagine(byte[] immagine)
        this.immagine = immagine;

    private java.lang.String partitaIvaCee;

    public java.lang.String getPartitaIvaCee()
        return this.partitaIvaCee;

    public void setPartitaIvaCee(java.lang.String partitaIvaCee)
        this.partitaIvaCee = partitaIvaCee;

    private java.lang.String fgPrivacy;

    public java.lang.String getFgPrivacy()
        return this.fgPrivacy;

    public void setFgPrivacy(java.lang.String fgPrivacy)
        this.fgPrivacy = fgPrivacy;

    private java.lang.String fgUtilizzoFiscale;

    public java.lang.String getFgUtilizzoFiscale()
        return this.fgUtilizzoFiscale;

    public void setFgUtilizzoFiscale(java.lang.String fgUtilizzoFiscale)
        this.fgUtilizzoFiscale = fgUtilizzoFiscale;

    private java.lang.String statoAnagrafica;

    public java.lang.String getStatoAnagrafica()
        return this.statoAnagrafica;

    public void setStatoAnagrafica(java.lang.String statoAnagrafica)
        this.statoAnagrafica = statoAnagrafica;


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