Publish to a different folder than bin.
When you create a Flex project, you have the option to publish the output to
any folder you would like. The default is bin. I know that when I publish,
say directly to my web server, the folders are not recreated. Only the SWF
and HTML.


On Dec 17, 2007 9:09 AM, David Ham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>   I'm using Flex Builder 3 beta, the Subclipse plugin, and Subversion to
> manage my Flex project. I'd like to add my bin folder to Subversion,
> but it appears that whenever I publish, FB deletes the entire bin
> directory and recreates it with the new published version. The trouble
> is that whenever it does this, it also deletes the bin folder's .svn
> info, and Subversion doesn't like that.
> Is there a way to add my bin folder to SVN without Flex Builder
> deleting it at every build?
> And yes, I know that this is unnecessary, since whomever gets my
> latest from SVN can just publish their own SWF--my client just wants
> the SWFs in SVN.
> Thanks for any help you can offer,
> OK

Rob Rusher

Adobe Certified AIR, Connect, ColdFusion MX and Flex Instructor
m: 303-885-7044
im: robrusher

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