Yes, listData.owner does point to the DG in my change event handler. But when I trace(listData.owner.dataProvider) expecting to see an XML data (and that's what I want) I get a compiling error, if I say proceed trace will show DG but not its data. What am I doing wrong? Tracy Spratt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: If a renderer implements the IDropInListItemRenderer interface, and most controls, like ComboBox do, then it can access listData() as Dominiques code shows. Then, the listData.owner property does point to the DG. Note the casting in Dominiques example. Tracy --------------------------------- From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of mark goldin Sent: Saturday, December 22, 2007 12:02 PM To: Subject: RE: [flexcoders] ComboBox ItemRenderer
Is there anything available in set data that will point to the whole DG, not just the current row? Alex Harui <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: I would update the backing .data too., but the .owner property does point to the DG. --------------------------------- From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tracy Spratt Sent: Friday, December 21, 2007 4:18 PM To: Subject: RE: [flexcoders] ComboBox ItemRenderer Dominiques approach is the correct one. The Flex framework calls the set data() method on every renderer anytime the underlying data changes. This is because renderers are recycled. So your renderer always has a reference to the dataProvider item that is behind it. Use that reference to update the item. Tracy --------------------------------- From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of mark goldin Sent: Friday, December 21, 2007 1:14 PM To: Subject: Re: [flexcoders] ComboBox ItemRenderer No, that's not what I meant. I mean without using any ids, names, and etc. Something like other environments have: parent. Why can't I after I got a reference to an itemRenderer simply go up on an object chain to get to DG and then talk to its dataProvider: updating it with a new data from an itemRenderer? am I completely off here? Dominique Bessette - Halsema <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: you can talk to anything in your parentApplication by doing parentApplication.<whatever id name you gave the dataprovider> the variable parentApplication is a set flex variable that get's all the data in the main app. On 12/21/07, mark goldin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: Aha, I see. Let me make sure I understand. ownerData is defined in set method. That means it's set as many times as many rows are in the DG, right? But why can't I talk directly to the dataProvider of my DG? Or using a private var is the direct way? Dominique Bessette - Halsema <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote: ownerdata is a variable that is set to the DG's row data. ownerData = value as XML; get's the row data. sorry i should have commented it more On 12/21/07, mark goldin <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote: Not sure I understand about ownerData. Is it a hard coded dataProvider name for DG? I am working on a generic solution, I can't use hard coded names. Sorry, if I am misunderstanding your solution. Dominique Bessette - Halsema <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote: Here is the code for the itemRenderer for a combobox i made. The dataProvider is xml. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <mx:ComboBox xmlns:mx=" " rowCount="2" labelField="@name" dataProvider="{weemcStatus}" change="onSelectionChange(event)"> <mx:Script> <![CDATA[ import; import mx.controls.dataGridClasses.DataGridListData; import mx.collections.XMLListCollection; private var ownerData:XML; //binds the xml row data to the combobox and appends the weemcStatus override public function set data(value:Object):void { if(value){ ownerData = value as XML; if(ownerData.weemcStatus.toString() == "" || ownerData.weemcStatus.toString () == null){ var item:XML = <weemcStatus>WILCO</weemcStatus>; ownerData.appendChild(item.toXMLString()); } } } override public function get data():Object { return ownerData; } override public function setFocus():void { super.setFocus(); open(); } //get's the new status and changes the xml status value private function onSelectionChange(e:ListEvent):void { if(selectedItem && ownerData){ var col:DataGridListData = DataGridListData(listData); var sname:String = selectedItem.toString (); if(ownerData.weemcStatus.toString() != "" || ownerData.weemcStatus.toString() != null){ ownerData.weemcStatus = sname; } else{ var item:XML = <weemcStatus>{sname}</weemcStatus>; ownerData.appendChild(item.toXMLString()); } } } private var xmlStatus:XML = <weemc> <status>WILCO</status> <status>CANTCO</status> </weemc>; [Bindable] private var weemcStatus:Array = (new XMLListCollection( xmlStatus.status)).toArray(); ]]> </mx:Script> </mx:ComboBox> On 12/20/07, mark goldin <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote: I am using a Combobox as an itemRenderer for one of columns in a DG. I have managed to intercept "change" event of the combobox. But what do I do to store new value from Combo into DG's dataProvider for the following data save to the server? What is an actual design pattern for that? Thanks much for help.