The e4XParser I speak of is at:

--- In, "Jim Hayes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >I've already included some
> >dynamic e4x expression parsers that I found on the web
> Tod, 
> do you have the urls for those to hand? and would you care to share
> Sorry to be so lazy, but I use e4x occasionally enough for the
syntax to generally escape me when I have to.
> Hence anything I can bookmark for the next time I need a bit of help
with it would be most useful to me (and others?)
> many thanks,
> Jim.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: on behalf of Todd
> Sent: Wed 16/01/2008 22:51
> To:
> Subject: [flexcoders] E4X Namespace Issues...
> I'm sure this will have an obvious answer and that it's something that
> I've just been looking at for too long...
> I'm trying to select a node from xml where a child has a specific value
> For example:
> var xml:XML =
> <communication xmlns="stuffHERE">
> <folder>
> <id>1</id>
> <folder>
> <id>2</id>
> </folder>
> <folder>
> <id>3</id>
> <folder>
> <id>4</id>
> </folder>
> </folder>
> </folder>
> In the above, I'm using an e4x expression that looks like:
> xml..folder.(id == 3)
> All works well when I don't have a namespace declared.
> When I have a name space declared, I keep getting nothing back.
> I'm using the actionscript object:  namespace test="http..."
>                                     use namespace test
> Any ideas on what I'm doing wrong? BTW, I've tried many, many
> different e4x expressions, none that work.
> Also, any techniques for debugging e4x? I've already included some
> dynamic e4x expression parsers that I found on the web. But I find
> that while I can get the expression to work fine dynamically, it still
> doesn't work.
> I've posted this over in teh Adobe Forums, too, as I'm not really sure
> which place is the best place to go for help.
> Thanks a bunch
> Here's my test MXML file, sorry for how ugly it looks in this window.,
> I"m hoping you can just copy this and paste it into a new MXML file
> for you to look at...:
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
> <mx:Application xmlns:mx="";
> layout="horizontal">
>       <mx:Script>
>               <![CDATA[
>                       import mx.logging.targets.TraceTarget;
>                       import com.theriabook.util.logging.TraceLogOutput;
>               private var comm:XML = 
> <CommunicationHierarchy
>      <folder>
>         <id>13</id>
>         <recordType>FOLDER</recordType>
>         <iconId>icon id</iconId>
>         <label>label</label>
>         <shortDescription>short description</shortDescription>
>         <description>Folder 21 description</description>
>         <externalId>1</externalId>
>         <template>
>            <id>21</id>
>            <recordType>TEMPLATE</recordType>
>            <iconId>icon id</iconId>
>            <label>label</label>
>            <shortDescription>short description</shortDescription>
>            <description>Template 22 description</description>
>            <externalId>1</externalId>
>         </template>
>         <folder>
>            <id>14</id>
>            <recordType>FOLDER</recordType>
>            <iconId>icon id</iconId>
>            <label>label</label>
>            <shortDescription>short description</shortDescription>
>            <description>Folder 31 description</description>
>            <externalId>1</externalId>
>            <link>
>               <id>13</id>
>               <recordType>TEMPLATE</recordType>
>               <iconId>icon id</iconId>
>               <label>link label</label>
>               <url>link url</url>
>               <shortDescription>short description</shortDescription>
>               <description>description of link - 14</description>
>            </link>
>         </folder>
>         <folder>
>            <id>15</id>
>            <recordType>FOLDER</recordType>
>            <iconId>icon id</iconId>
>            <label>label</label>
>            <shortDescription>short description</shortDescription>
>            <description>Folder 36 description</description>
>            <externalId>1</externalId>
>            <link>
>               <id>15</id>
>               <recordType>TEMPLATE</recordType>
>               <iconId>icon id</iconId>
>               <label>link label</label>
>               <url>link url</url>
>               <shortDescription>short description</shortDescription>
>               <description>description of link - 16</description>
>            </link>
>         </folder>
>         <link>
>            <id>8</id>
>            <recordType>TEMPLATE</recordType>
>            <iconId>icon id</iconId>
>            <label>link label</label>
>            <url>link url</url>
>            <shortDescription>short description</shortDescription>
>            <description>description of link - 9</description>
>         </link>
>         <link>
>            <id>12</id>
>            <recordType>TEMPLATE</recordType>
>            <iconId>icon id</iconId>
>            <label>link label</label>
>            <url>link url</url>
>            <shortDescription>short description</shortDescription>
>            <description>description of link - 13</description>
>         </link>
>      </folder>
>      <template>
>         <id>44</id>
>         <recordType>TEMPLATE</recordType>
>         <iconId>icon id</iconId>
>         <label>label</label>
>         <shortDescription>short description</shortDescription>
>         <description>Template 45 description</description>
>         <externalId>1</externalId>
>      </template>
>      <template>
>         <id>45</id>
>         <recordType>TEMPLATE</recordType>
>         <iconId>icon id</iconId>
>         <label>label</label>
>         <shortDescription>short description</shortDescription>
>         <description>Template 46 description</description>
>         <externalId>1</externalId>
>      </template>
>   </CommunicationHierarchy>
>               private namespace directTest =
>                       use namespace directTest;
>                       public var directTest2:Namespace = new
>                       private function onGoClick(e:MouseEvent):void
>                       {
>                               use namespace directTest;
>                               var xml:XML = new XML(inputXML.text);
>                               //      All these filters didn't work:
>                               //      new XMLList(xml..folder.(id ==13));
>                               //  new XMLList(xml..folder.("id" =="13"));
>                               //
>                               //
>                               //
>                               //
>                               //
>                               //      These Worked:
>                               //              new XMLList(xml.folder[0]) 
>                               //              new XMLList(xml..folder.(id == 
> 13));
>                               //              new 
> XMLList(xml.descendants("folder").(id == 13));
>                               //
>                               //var filterdXML:XMLList = new 
> XMLList(directTest2::folder.(id ==
> 13));
>                               var filterdXML:XMLList = new 
> XMLList(xml.descendants("folder").(id
> == 13));
>                               outputXML.text = filterdXML.toXMLString();
>                       }
>               ]]>
>       </mx:Script>
>       <mx:TraceTarget level="0" />
>       <mx:TextArea id="inputXML" width="100%" height="100%"
> text="{comm.toXMLString()}"/>
>       <mx:Button id="go" click="onGoClick(event)" />
>       <mx:TextArea id="outputXML" width="100%" height="100%" />
> </mx:Application>
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