Hi Chris - I see nobody's responded to this yet, I would recommend you
try and simplify your post instead of putting in ALL of the MXML.  Your
question is about using XML to populate a datagrid, so try reposting
your question with only the relevant MXML and Actionscript.  I started
reading your post and then stopped when I saw all that code and thought,
I don't really have time to dig through it to assist.  Anyway, that may
help you.  Also, simplify your code a little and try this without the
catch/try routines.  Also, where arey you declaring new XML() ?

Jason Merrill 
Bank of America 
GT&O L&LD Solutions Design & Development 
eTools & Multimedia 

Bank of America Flash Platform Developer Community 



        From: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of CK
        Sent: Thursday, January 17, 2008 3:04 PM
        To: flexcoders@yahoogroups.com
        Subject: [flexcoders] Fwd: [Flashnewbie] XML Object by Reference
to DataGrid

        Hi All,
        On advice from the talented Jason Merrill, I throw my question
        the think tank.
        Begin forwarded message:
        > From: CK <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:ck%40bushidodeep.com> >
        > Date: January 12, 2008 10:41:45 AM PST
        > To: Flashnewbie Mailing List
<mailto:flashnewbie%40chattyfig.figleaf.com> >
        > Subject: [Flashnewbie] XMl Object by Reference to DataGrid
        > Reply-To: Flashnewbie Mailing List
<mailto:flashnewbie%40chattyfig.figleaf.com> >
        > HI,
        > This is an ambitious newbie FLEX application. The issue is my 
        > attempt creating an XML object by reference then populating
        > DataGrid has failed. Will someone offer a solution?
        > CK
        > <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
        > <mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml
<http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml> " 
        > layout="absolute">
        > <mx:Style>
        > Label{fontFamily: Verdana; fontSize: 10pt; fontWeight: bold;}
        > </mx:Style>
        > <mx:Script>
        > <![CDATA[
        > import flash.events.Event;
        > [Bindable]public var titleOverview:XML
        > private function addOverview(e:Event):void
        > {
        > try
        > {
        > titleOverview=
        > //Create the XML object using the values provided
        > //by the users for the tag name, and contents.
        > <dvd>
        > <dvdTitle>
        > {dvdTitle.text}
        > </dvdTitle>
        > </dvd>;
        > }
        > catch (e:TypeError)
        > {
        > titleOverview = <error>Fill In All Fields of the 
        > Overview.</error>;
        > }
        > }
        > ]]>
        > </mx:Script>
        > <mx:Panel title="DVD Collection: Add Title" height="500" 
        > width="530" paddingTop="5" paddingLeft="5" paddingRight="5" 
        > paddingBottom="5">
        > <mx:Accordion id="dvdAccordion" height="450" width="500"
        > y="31">
        > <mx:Form id="dvdOverview" label="Overview" height="507"
        > <mx:Label text="Title:" width="48" height="19" />
        > <mx:TextInput id="dvdTitle" width="290" height="25"/>
        > <mx:Label text="Genre:" width="49" height="15" />
        > <mx:ComboBox width="290">
        > <mx:ArrayCollection>
        > <mx:String>Action</mx:String>
        > <mx:String>Sci-Fi</mx:String>
        > <mx:String>Drama</mx:String>
        > <mx:String>Foreign</mx:String>
        > <mx:String>Comedy</mx:String>
        > <mx:String>Horror</mx:String>
        > <mx:String>Children's</mx:String>
        > <mx:String>Romance</mx:String>
        > </mx:ArrayCollection>
        > </mx:ComboBox>
        > <mx:Label text="Actors:" />
        > <mx:TextArea id="dvdActors" width="450" />
        > <mx:Label text="Director:" />
        > <mx:TextInput id="dvdDirector" width="290" height="25"/>
        > <mx:Label text="Producer(s):" />
        > <mx:TextInput id="dvdProducers" width="290" height="25"/>
        > <mx:Button label="Add DVD Overiew" id="addOverviewBtn" 
        > click="addOverview(event);"/> 
        > </mx:Form> 
        > <mx:Form id="dvdDetails" label="Details" height="508"
        > <mx:Label text="Plot:" />
        > <mx:TextArea id="dvdPlot" width="450" />
        > <mx:Label text="Review:" />
        > <mx:TextArea id="dvdReview" width="450" />
        > <mx:Label text="Rating:" />
        > <mx:RadioButton groupName="dvdRating"
        > id="dvdWatachable"
        > label="Watachable"
        > width="150"/>
        > <mx:RadioButton groupName="dvdRating"
        > id="dvdHorrible"
        > label="Horrible"
        > width="150"/>
        > <mx:RadioButton groupName="dvdRating"
        > id="dvdAwesome"
        > label="Awesome"
        > width="150"/> 
        > <mx:Label text="Date Purchased (MM/DD/YYYY):" />
        > <mx:DateField id="dvdPurchaseDate" width="125" />
        > <mx:Label text="Price (dollars . cents) :" />
        > <mx:HBox width="200">
        > <mx:Text text="$"/><mx:TextInput width="50" height="20"/ 
        > ><mx:Text text="."/><mx:TextInput width="50" height="20"/>
        > </mx:HBox>
        > <mx:Label text="Date Released (MM/DD/YYYY):" />
        > <mx:DateField id="dvdReleaseDate" width="125" />
        > <mx:Label text="Length (HH MM SS) :" width="265"/>
        > <mx:HBox width="200">
        > <mx:TextInput width="50" height="20"/><mx:Text text=":"/ 
        > ><mx:TextInput width="50" height="20"/><mx:Text text=":"/ 
        > ><mx:TextInput width="50" height="20"/>
        > </mx:HBox>
        > <mx:Button label="Add DVD Details" id="addDetailsBtn" /> 
        > </mx:Form>
        > </mx:Accordion>
        > </mx:Panel>
        > <mx:Panel title="DVD Collection: View Titles" height="300" 
        > width="59%" paddingTop="5" paddingLeft="5" paddingRight="5" 
        > paddingBottom="5" x="0" y="518">
        > <mx:DataGrid width="100%" editable="true" 
        > variableRowHeight="true" x="538" height="250" 
        > dataProvider="{titleOverview.dvd}">
        > <mx:columns>
        > <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="title" headerText="Title" 
        > editable="false" />
        > <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="genre" headerText="Genre" 
        > editable="false" />
        > <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="actors" headerText="Actors" 
        > editable="true" />
        > <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="directors" headerText="Director"

        > editable="false" />
        > <mx:DataGridColumn dataField="producers" headerText="Producer"

        > editable="true" />
        > </mx:columns>
        > </mx:DataGrid>
        > </mx:Panel>
        > <mx:Panel x="538" y="0" width="450" height="500"
        > title="DVD Collection: Detailed View">
        > </mx:Panel>
        > </mx:Application>
        > _______________________________________________
        > To change your subscription options or search the archive:
        > http://chattyfig.figleaf.com/mailman/listinfo/flashnewbie
        > Brought to you by Fig Leaf Software
        > Premier Authorized Adobe Consulting and Training
        > http://www.figleaf.com <http://www.figleaf.com> 
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