do they provide their login details via HTML or fields in your flex
app?  The question I am really asking is what controls the login
transaction with the server?

If it is your flex app (otherwise you should go and post on an HTML
forum) then what about adding a result responder to your login request
and sending back the user's name/nickname/whatever.  When the response
returns to the client and the responder runs, extract the user's name
and update your field which says hello.  I do something very similar
in my app but I label a button with their full name which the user can
click to set their personal preferences.  It also serves to remind
them who they are logged in as, which works very well for demos.

In principle I don't see why this is any different to any other server
request, it just happens to be login.

--- In, "NileAge, Mail" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all
> I'm working with flex 2 and . I face a problem when I make
login I
> want to write welcome "User Name" as we see in most web sites. This
> when I make login and then press F5 
> I need to do this without pressing F5 or after I make login immediately

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