Dave, have you solved this yet?  I'm having the exact same problem 
and error message.  My thread is: 

One thing to ensure is that the module you are loading is compiled 
with a root tag of mx:Module and not mx:Application or something 
else.  I found that you get the "SWF is not loadable 
module" "theoretically" when the loaded SWF does not expose one of 
the IFlexModule interfaces, I think it's IFlexFactoryBlah... or 
something like that.  However, I know my module is a true mx:Module 
rooted SWF and it still won't load when BOTH of the SWFs are local.

And like me, you're probably doing it correctly and are in fact 
trying to load a true "module" swf.  And, like you, I can verify that 
the module.swf is in fact being downloaded by the Flash player.  
However, when Flex tries to load the module, it fails.

I've seen some posts spread around the net about the ModuleLoader 
being GC'd *before* the call to access the IFlexFactoryModule(?) 
interface on your module and thus even though the module was 
downloaded, the moduleLoader is gone by the time you try to actually 
communicate with the module.  Why this is, I'm not clear 
yet.  And, I'm not entirely sure this is the cause of our problem.

But, I've been banging my head on the wall for a few days trying 
every possible solution too to get it to load my module (WITH BOTH 
SWFS BEING LOCAL Alex): tweaking the 
applicationDomain property before it's loaded, etc etc.

The thing is, we're both initially attempting (and fully expect) to 
be able to load BOTH the host and the module SWF from the LOCAL 
machine.  This would be logical since that's where we fcking develop 
our code.  So, it's very odd to me that you can't build your project 
and load both the host and the module from the local filesystem.  If 
there's an extra deployment step in there that we need to be 
following in order to build and debug our apps, I certainly have not 
found it in the Flex docs yet....  

Anyway, please let me know if you come up with the solution.  I'll 
definitely do the same...


--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Dave Glasser <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm running a Flex app in my local Flash player (not in a browser) 
from my
> local disk, and I'm trying to load a module from a Tomcat server 
running on
> localhost. My Flex app is trusted and is already communicating with 
> server for other things, but when I try to load the module, I get 
the error
> described by Alex Harui in this blog post:
> I've put the following crossdomain.xml file in the root document 
> of the Tomcat server:
> <?xml version="1.0"?>
> <!DOCTYPE cross-domain-policy SYSTEM
> "http://www.macromedia.com/xml/dtds/cross-domain-policy.dtd";>
> <cross-domain-policy>
>    <allow-access-from domain="*" />
> </cross-domain-policy>
> and I still get the error. I can load the crossdomain.xml file in a 
> with the URL http://localhost/crossdomain.xml. The weird thing is 
that the
> Tomcat access logs do not indicate that the Flash player running my 
Flex app
> is requesting that crossdomain.xml file at all. Does anyone have 
any idea
> what I'm doing wrong?

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