On 2/1/08, learner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  thanks Manish,
> But in which function shall i do that??
> In measure(), in updateDisplayList () or commitProperty().....
> and ..... also the height of the textArea should affect the row height in
> list...
> so i also need to do....something like this
> this.height = messageTxt.heigt+messageTxt.y

If you want your item renderer to affect the height of the row, all
you have to do is set the correct measuredHeight in your measure()
implementation. Note that you have to set your measuredHeight, not
your height! Flex components don't set their own width/height: that's
a rule. You set your measuredWidth and measuredHeight and let the
parent decide how it wants to size you.

Now, to compute your measuredHeight, you need to use the
measuredHeight of the TextArea object. TextArea objects don't measure
their size based on their contents -- it's always a certain default
size. So you'll have to extend TextArea to create a CustomTextArea,
override measure(), and do something like what Text does (see Text.as
from the framework source). If you look in the archives, there should
be examples of this already.


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