I need help. I tried using external XML files. But It's too much work.
I know there is a quick way to use the var date or something. I'm
building this with Flex. If you have any ideas. Please please please,

The Application is that, the user enter's their Birth Date. The
Application should notice the Birthday and from that day until 2009 or
2008. It should show which day it's on. For Example: 1/10/1994, So
This person is born on January 1, 1994. And lets say on January 10
1194, it was a Tuesday. Now this application should get this date, and
show every day that it will be on or it was on. So Let's say January
10, 1995 it was on a Wednesday. It should say this. I am thinking of a
Data Grid like this.

Date |Day
1/10/1994 || Tuesday
1/10/1995 || Wednesday
1/10/1996 || Sunday(Just an example)

If you guys can help, it will be great!

Thanks once again.

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