Hi Telmo,

The client code looks ok. I understand you generated ExampleService
with Flex Builder import WSDL feature. I've reproduced your case and
got the same error. 

I also created a simple client ant got a different error:

[SWF] Users:mykola:Documents:Flex Builder
3:SampleClient2:bin-debug:SampleClient2.swf - 973,882 bytes after
Error: Unrecognized binding style ''. Only 'document' and 'rpc' styles
are supported., details: null, trace: [RPC Fault
faultString="Unrecognized binding style ''. Only 'document' and 'rpc'
styles are supported." faultCode="EncodingError" faultDetail="null"]

I would check the web service. Flex complains about SOAP binding
style. It should be JAX-RPC Encoded or Document Literal.

Here is my client

import mx.rpc.events.FaultEvent;
import mx.rpc.soap.WebService;
import mx.rpc.events.ResultEvent;
import com.marcocova.ExampleService;
import com.marcocova.GetPeopleByFirstLastNameResultEvent;

public function getResults():void{
        var ws:WebService = new WebService();
        var wsdl:String = "http://ws.marcocova.com/SOAP/af4.php?wsdl";;
        ws.addEventListener(FaultEvent.FAULT, faultHandler);

        ws.getPeopleByFirstLastName("*", "*");

//      var ws:ExampleService = new ExampleService();
//      ws.addExampleServiceFaultEventListener(faultHandler);
//      ws.addgetPeopleByFirstLastNameEventListener(processResults);
//      ws.getPeopleByFirstLastName("*", "*");  

public function
processResults(res:GetPeopleByFirstLastNameResultEvent):void {
        trace("Res: " + res.result);

public function processResults2(res:ResultEvent):void {
        trace("Res: " + res.result);

public function faultHandler(event:FaultEvent):void {
        trace("Error: " + event.fault.faultString + ", details: " +
event.fault.faultDetail + ", trace: " +

- Mykola

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "Telmo Dias" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> First of all , I'm new to flex. Already bought a few books but none
> describes this issue in detail.
> I'm having huge trouble accessing object arrays from SOAP.  I'm using
> Flex Builder 3, Version: 3.0.190133, the last beta version.
> I used the Import Web Services wizard to import
> http://ws.marcocova.com/SOAP/af4.php?wsdl . My partner who writes the
> SOAP code, has tried several approaches. In the approaches before the
> current one, I couldn't even get a simple var, it would always come in
> as null. Now I can get simple vars like strings or numbers, but I'm
> unable to get Arrays.
> Below is the code I'm using. At this moment when I debug I'm getting
> the error:
> TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null
> object reference.
>    at WSDL8_AF4/processResults()[F:\Para_Novo_CD\BACKUPS\My
> Documents\Flex Builder 3\WSDL8_AF4\src\WSDL8_AF4.mxml:32]
>    at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEventFunction()
>    at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEvent()
>    at
> Documents\Flex Builder
> 3\WSDL8_AF4\src\com\marcocova\ExampleService.as:147]
>    at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEventFunction()
>    at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEvent()
>    at
> Documents\Flex Builder
> 3\WSDL8_AF4\src\com\marcocova\BaseExampleService.as:207]
>    at
>    at
>    at
>    at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEventFunction()
>    at flash.events::EventDispatcher/dispatchEvent()
>    at flash.net::URLLoader/onComplete()
> Can someone who understands this, please help me? I've been around
> this issue for one week without results... Already checked the posts
> on the list, since 14/11/2007.
> Thanks in advance.
> Telmo Dias
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
> <mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml";
> layout="absolute" initialize="getResults()">
>    <mx:Script>
>        <![CDATA[
>            import com.marcocova.*; //classes resultant from the wizard
>            import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
>            import mx.utils.ArrayUtil;
>                      public function getResults():void{
>                var myService:ExampleService = new ExampleService();
>                  //* Step 2: for the desired operation add a result
> handler (a function that you have already defined previously)        
> myService.addgetPeopleByFirstLastNameEventListener(processResults);
>                  //* Step 3: Call the operation as a method on the
> service. Pass the right values as arguments:
>                  myService.getPeopleByFirstLastName('*','*');
>                            }
>                      public function
> processResults(res:GetPeopleByFirstLastNameResultEvent):void{
>                trace(typeof res.result); //this outputs object
>                for (var x in res.result){
>                    trace(typeof x);//doesn't even trace once
>                }
>                var arrRes:ArrayCollection = res.result;
>                var arrPerson:Array = arrRes.toArray();
>                var pers:Person = Person(arrPerson[0]);
>                trace(pers.firstName); //nothing either
>            }
>        ]]>
>    </mx:Script>
> </mx:Application>

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