addEventListener(NativeDragEvent.NATIVE_DRAG_ENTER, onDragEnter);
addEventListener(NativeDragEvent.NATIVE_DRAG_DROP, onDragDrop);

private function onDragEnter(event:NativeDragEvent):void

private function onDragDrop(event:NativeDragEvent):void
    NativeDragManager.dropAction = NativeDragActions.COPY;
    var files:Array =
event.clipboard.getData(ClipboardFormats.FILE_LIST_FORMAT) as Array;
    for each (var f:File in files)

--- In, "djhatrick" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> HI,
> I am working with Air and dragging from the desktop to my application.
>  I've got notice that my NativeDragEvent is working.  When I get my
> File list array from my clipboard event, what's next?  
> How can I access the data for conversion to byteArray to send to the
> server (if that's even necessary)?  How can I determine the filetype
> with the clipboardFormats... etc.
> For instance, how do I find the filename and extension of the file
> that I am dragging.  The few examples I've found out there are
> examples written for Air Beta 1.  I am one "those people" who needs
> examples to understand the process.  If you have any links of updates
> posts it would be greatly appreciated.
> I'm ready to use the api, but it's a little daunting, any help
> appreciated.  I went looking for an air book in the bookstore after i
> saw the plethora of titles on amazon, and then I was bummed to learn
> that they are still unavailable :(
> Thanks,
> Patrick

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