I am working with Air and dragging from the desktop to my application.
 I've got notice that my NativeDragEvent is working.  When I get my
File list array from my clipboard event, what's next?  

How can I access the data for conversion to byteArray to send to the
server (if that's even necessary)?  How can I determine the filetype
with the clipboardFormats... etc.

For instance, how do I find the filename and extension of the file
that I am dragging.  The few examples I've found out there are
examples written for Air Beta 1.  I am one "those people" who needs
examples to understand the process.  If you have any links of updates
posts it would be greatly appreciated.

I'm ready to use the api, but it's a little daunting, any help
appreciated.  I went looking for an air book in the bookstore after i
saw the plethora of titles on amazon, and then I was bummed to learn
that they are still unavailable :(


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