Yesterday, Microsoft was in my department to present silverlight&ajax
Although silverlight is currently a bullshit compared to flex, and in my
department (METU computer engineering)
many people use linux; there were quite many people attending to the

Tomorrow, I'll do give a seminar about AIR technology,which will be hosted
by METU Computer Club.
 who am I? Just a 3rd year computer engineering(~=science) student.

So i ask to adobe; microsoft comes to our lessons for their primitive
technology, but adobe does nothing for flex the great? why?
you do europe tour, it's great but you better do some more local event (no
need to bring your developers, just use
your local partners).

just a suggestion to adobe guys, maybe because of feeling bad with
microsoft's integration efforts...

info :  METU = middle east technical university / ankara/ turkey

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