I am using flash.net.Socket to write HTTP requests and receive HTTP
responses. I'm using Tomcat Digest Authorization and everything works
fine for logging in and retrieving data. However, any request that
requires parameters does not work. I am using Ethereal to sniff a
valid requests and trying to get mine to match, however it just does
not work. Perhaps because I am sending plain text whereas a normal
HTTP request encodes the params....anyone see anything wrong with this?:

POST /xmsv2/api/usermgmt/createUser.cmd HTTP/1.0
Host: www.example.com
Authorization: Digest username="dev", realm="myapp",
nonce="e0cc32f1f78566187e90a49547ec07f8", uri="/admin/createUser.cmd",
qop=auth, nc=2, cnonce="0a4f113b",
Content-Type: text/plain

After each line is \r\n and the last line has \r\n\r\n

This request above actually hangs and the server never receives it. If
I move the "Authorization: Digest ..." header BELOW the last line of
parameters, then the request goes through, but the server never
receives any of the data. 

In a normal HTTP POST, the parameters are in Line-based text data as
"application/x-www-form-urlencoded" with the values set as I have them
above. But I don't know how to send it to what the server expects.

Any help is greatly appreciated.

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