I am not sure why but I am using HTTP/1.1 and sending the request
string with '/r/n/r/n' at the end sends the request and I receive the
response...but the TCP socket is not closed. Thus the request just
hangs for 5 seconds until finally the socket is killed on one end. Any
ideas why the socket is not properly closed when I receive the response? 

GET /app/myaction.action HTTP/1.1
Host: www.mydomain.com
Authorization:Basic ZGV2MTpwYXNzd29yZA==

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, Dave Cragg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 3 Apr 2008, at 22:11, e_baggg wrote:
> > anyone see anything wrong with this?:
> >
> > POST /xmsv2/api/usermgmt/createUser.cmd HTTP/1.0
> > Host: www.example.com
> I don't think HTTP/1.0 supports the Host header. Can you try with HTTP/ 
> 1.1
> >
> > Authorization: Digest username="dev", realm="myapp",
> > nonce="e0cc32f1f78566187e90a49547ec07f8", uri="/admin/createUser.cmd",
> > qop=auth, nc=2, cnonce="0a4f113b",
> > response="aecf8d679c507f1d194db5463b0c1695",
> > opaque="217361470610c797d3e04ab317280cc5"
> > Content-Type: text/plain
> > username=aaa&firstName=a&lastName=aa&password=a&emailAddress=aaa
> >
> > After each line is \r\n and the last line has \r\n\r\n
> When you say the last line has \r\n\r\n, do you mean after the Content- 
> Type header? If not, that's where it should go.
> You don't have a Content-Length header. I think this is required in  
> requests from the client.
> Cheers
> Dave

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