When selecting files with a FileReference or FileReferenceList, I get 
an object or object array containing files.
The problem is that apart from uploading these files, there is nothing 
else I can seem to do with them.
2 examples:
1) images: I can select images and upload them to my webserver, but I 
cannot load these images into the flex applet and display them... 
unless I upload them to the server, then download them again.
2) Data files: I can select a file, but I cannot parse it's contents or 
process the data: I have to upload it to a server and download it 
This does not seem the optimum method of programming and there has to 
be a better way. Uploading just to download again is a huge waste of 
bandwidth - and time. Is there a way to select a file/several files and 
read the contents without doing "round trips"?



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