Trying to debug a problem where asycnchronous calls made through a Flex
(LiveCycle) Data Services proxy seemed to be being handled
synchronously, not asynchronously, and I have basically confirmed it. In
other words, if you make 5 calls through the proxy, they will be handled
one after the other.
My diagnosis of this involved creating a web service with a feedback
method that takes a delay in seconds as a parameter. I first called it
asynchronously direct from the Flex client, to confirm that it worked as
expected - the first call, with a delay of 10 seconds, returns five
seconds after the second call, which has a delay of five seconds.
Then I switched on useProxy. The first call returns after ten seconds.
Five seconds later, I get the feedback from the second call.
As you can see from my code below, I tried with seperate web service
objects and seperate destinations.
So, is it possible to do asynchronous web service calls through data
services proxy? If so, how? The only way I can think is to subclass
HTTPProxyAdapter a number of times (I've already subclassed it once to
get around bug BLZ-120) and initiate separate services, but I've no idea
even if that would work, and it seems a ridiculous length to go to to
get what you would think is default behaviour.
Surely I've missed something?
My test code:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<mx:Application xmlns:mx="";




import mx.messaging.config.ServerConfig;



import mx.rpc.soap.LoadEvent;

import mx.rpc.soap.WebService;

private var ws1 : WebService = new WebService ();

private var ws2 : WebService = new WebService ();

private var ws1Loaded : Boolean = false;

private var ws2Loaded : Boolean = false;

private function creationComplete () : void {

var servConfig : XML = ServerConfig.serverConfigData;

ws1.wsdl =

ws1.endpointURI =

ws1.useProxy = true;


ws1.addEventListener(LoadEvent.LOAD, ws1_load);

ws2.wsdl =

ws2.endpointURI =

ws2.useProxy = true;


ws2.addEventListener(LoadEvent.LOAD, ws2_load);

trace ("loading wsdls");




private function ws1_load (event : LoadEvent) : void {

trace ("ws1 loaded");

ws1.addEventListener(ResultEvent.RESULT, ws_result);

ws1.addEventListener(FaultEvent.FAULT, ws_fault);

ws1Loaded = true;

if (ws2Loaded) makeCalls ();


private function ws2_load (event : LoadEvent) : void {

trace ("ws2 loaded");

ws2.addEventListener(ResultEvent.RESULT, ws_result);

ws2.addEventListener(FaultEvent.FAULT, ws_fault);

ws2Loaded = true;

if (ws1Loaded) makeCalls ();


private function makeCalls () : void {

trace ("calling ten second feedback"); ("Ten Seconds", 10);

trace ("calling five second feedback"); ("Five Seconds", 5);


private function ws_result (event : ResultEvent) : void {

trace (event.result.toString());


private function ws_fault (event : FaultEvent) : void {

trace (event.fault.toString());







Tim Stewart 
Solution Architect 
Tel: \+61 2 9976 4500  ext. 2032 Fax: \+61 2 9976 5055 
Mobile : 0424 225924  
Web:  Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]    


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