On Mon, Apr 21, 2008 at 9:20 PM, Josh McDonald <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> understanding of modern Cairngorm? Most of the docs I've found online seem

This is a good place to start:

> On Tue, Apr 22, 2008 at 1:17 PM, shaun <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > The model is changed by the result of the event handling and the views
> > observe this.

That is the stock cairngorm way of doing it.  In cairngorm, the
FrontController is the only listener for all the cairngorm events.  It
keeps a table of commands to use for each event type.   When the front
controller listens to an event, it will run that command (which is the
one that has all the logic packed in it to change the model).   It's
from the commands that you update the data on the models and all the
view, which are bound to it, will respond.

The UM Event extension allows you to send an additional callback
object on that event (a callback being a couple of functions packed in
an object, one for success, one for faults) so that you can bypass
keeping data on the model that was going to be used just for letting
the original view that dispatched the event that whatever process it
initiated was finished.    When the command has finished doing
whatever it was that it was doing, it will run the callback function
that will tell the original view "I'm done".

It sounds a bit complicated but actually it isn't.   The classic
example is a login form.. from the form you pack a UserVO into an
event and dispatch the event.  Right there, from the view that
dispatched the event, you disable the login form.  Using stock
cairngorm you would have to wait for the command to set a flag on the
model that would let the view know that login process was complete.
But this would mean that you have to keep that flag there for everyone
to see when only the original view that dispatched the event needed
Using the UM event, you can send a callback to the command... the
command does it's thing and when it's done, it runs the success (or
fault, if it failed) function on the callback, letting the login view
know that it can re-enable the form or whatever without having to keep
that data on the model.

gabriel montagné láscaris comneno

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