thanks Alex
yeah I installed the nightly build and it didnt fix it.  basically
when I code it in the MXML, no matter what height/width I give it and
hard code dummy data into the canvas (or VBox)and give each canvas a
generic height/width  in the tabnav it isnt visible at all. just a
blank. and all the other objects I put there are visible.  very
strange. Anyways, I worked around it by adding the tab navigator is
the AS and then just add the visual components as children. I shouldnt
have to but.... deadlines deadlines! it only happens with modules. 

--- In, "Alex Harui" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The first problem is the classic "shared code" problem discussed in the
> modules preso in my blog.
> I've not heard of the second problem.  I'd try to find out what "just
> not there" means.  It could have the wrong size, or never got created or
> some other problem.
> ________________________________
> From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
> Behalf Of Corey Smaller
> Sent: Thursday, May 08, 2008 2:23 PM
> To:
> Subject: [flexcoders] BUG. TabNavigator in a Module
> has anyone encountered this? first problem I get is the
> historyManager crashes when loading a module with a tabnavigator hard
> coded into it. So, in the main app i added: 
> import mx.managers.HistoryManager;
> private var hist:HistoryManager; 
> this fixed THAT problem but now, when you load the module the
> tabnavigator is just not there. HOWEVER, when I programmatically add
> it in the creation complete , like so:
> //CODE:
> var tabNav:TabNavigator = new TabNavigator();
> var c1:Canvas = new Canvas();
> c1.label = "canvas";
> c1.width=200;
> c1.height= 100;
> tabNav.addChild(c1);
> var c2:Canvas = new Canvas();
> c2.label = "canvas2";
> c2.width=200;
> c2.height= 100;
> tabNav.addChild(c2);
> prodHeaderCanvas.addChild(tabNav)
> //end code
> anyone know about this bug? I just downloaded the nightly build but
> havent installed it yet. Hoping this will fix the prob. Cost me
> about 4 hours of debugging.
> just an FYI
> Corey

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