Are there any good (preferably GUI) tools for inspecting the contents
of SWCs and SWFs. My colleague is still having no luck building the
SWC that I now have working in FlexBuilder.

I have a feeling the key is understanding what Flexbuilder does when
you designate a file (eg "src" in my layout below) as the "main"
source folder. Is there a compc equivalent, or just the -source-path

On Wed, May 14, 2008 at 2:24 PM, Richard Rodseth <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The good news is I was finally able to build my "Resources" SWC
> (containing images, stylesheets, and properties files that embed
> images) in Flexbuilder. The bad news is for my poor colleague who is
> gallantly doing the continuous integration work (with MSBuild and
> mxmlc/compc).
> In Flexbuilder, I ended up with the following layout:
> resourcesproj
> ..locale
> ....en_US
> ..src
> ....images
> ......zoom.png
> ..stylesheets
> ....myapp.css
> In Flexbuilder, I had the images checked on the Assets tab, and the
> following additional compiler options
> -locale en_US -source-path=../locale/{locale}
> -include-resource-bundles=images,UIStrings -include-file myapp.css
> ../stylesheets/myapp.css
> Is there really no wildcard way to include all the images in the SWC
> from the command line without  listing them explicitly in a config
> file? I guess Flexbuilder builds a list based on the checkboxes in the
> Assets tab?
> The properties files references the images like this
> zoom=Embed("images/zoom.png")
> I assume we would have to use images/zoom.png as the name in a
> -include-file directive?
> Hoping for better error messages and CI support in Flexbuilder 4...

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