Thanks for a resource.
Theres lookbehind in list of operators but I just cant get it working. I
just tried to test some other simple lookbehind expressions and they doesnt
work too.

sestdiena, 2008, 24 maijs 19:55 EECOLOR <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> rakstīja:

>   It should have a look behind. I think you can find all your answers
> here:
> There is also an Air version available. At the right side you can find the
> capabilities.
> Greetz Erik
> On 5/24/08, Janis Radins <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>  Hey people!
>> I'm playing here with some RegExp stuff. Should have learned it long time
>> ago tho I started just recently.
>> So, i was playing with syntax highlighter in AS3 and stumbled upon
>> difficulties on how to match doc tag inside block comment.
>> After several hours I came up with genius expression -
>> /(?<=\/\*(?:[^*]|\*[^*\/])*)(@\w*)/mg
>> It works perfectly in text editor I'm using to test expressions but it
>> halts in AS3.
>> Each of the groups select what they are supposed to perfectly, but they do
>> not work togeather.
>> I did some googling and couldnt find definitive answer what might be the
>> problem.
>> So, could it be that AS3 RegExp engine doesn't implement lookbehind?
>> Can anyone confirm that or maybe someone knows how comet that bastid
>> doesn't work in AS3?
>> thanks in advance
>> Jānis

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