That would be the wrong approach. Take a look at Gordon's article:

You'll see that you just need to change the locale chain of the
resource manager. You already have a binding expression which invokes
the resource manager.

On Tue, May 27, 2008 at 2:49 PM, robbarreca <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have an application with a bunch of nested containers and
> components. We are internationalizing this app (with ResourceModules)
> and when someone switches languages we need invalidateDisplayList()
> called on every child component of the app.
> Iterating through the Application's rawChildren doesn't return any
> components that are nested in a Canvas for example. Do I really have
> to do some recusive deal to traverse the whole tree to make the whole
> app redraw? There has to be an easier way to do this that I'm overlooking.
> Example: rawChildren only returns the Canvas, do I need to check if
> it's a container and recurse?
> <App>
> <Canvas>
> <Box title="{resourceManger.getString('boxTitle')}"/>
> </Canvas>
> </App>
> Thanks in advance!
> -Rob

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