Right.  Image is a UIComponent, and TextArea is a UIComponent.
UIComponent's can't contain other UIComponents without being a
subclass of Container or implementing the IContainer interface.  Not a
simple task.

addChild() is defined in DisplayObject which apart of the Flash API
not the Flex API.  BitmapAsset is a sublcass of DisplayObject and not
UIComponent.  So you can add it to the text area directly using this

                var img : BitmapAsset = new imgCls() as BitmapAsset;
                img.x = txtArea.mouseX;
                img.y = txtArea.mouseY;
                txtArea.addChild( img );

Now, try that out, and you'll start to see some issues that you'll
have to asess if this is going to work for what you're trying to do.
Since the bitmap is not apart of the document in the TextArea you are
going to get clipping or scrolling.  If you want to do that you'll
have to get really dirty with the TextArea API.  Probably even
ditching TextArea altogether and writing your own, or modifying rich
text editor.


On Thu, May 29, 2008 at 5:37 PM, aarhac <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have figured out how to work around my problem, but I do wonder why
> one of the following methods works, and the other doesn't. I would be
> grateful if someone could explain the error in the failing method.
> The code is pasted below (Below the line of dashes) in it's entirety,
> and is commented as to which works and which doesn't.
> The image referenced in this case is a 32x32 pixel png file on my
> local system. I am attempting to display the image "on" a text area.
> Using the default example from the flex documentation to embed an
> image, I cannot get the image to show up when added to the text area's
> display list, but it does show just fine when added to the root
> display list. I also added the image to the textArea using
> addChildAt(txtIcon, txtArea.numChildren) with no change in effect.
> The second method works just fine. I imagine that the problem has
> something to do with applying the image as a byte array to
> image.source, but I wonder why exactly? Is this a bug?
> Thanks in advance,
> --Aaron
> ------------------------------------
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
> <mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml";
> layout="absolute">
> <!--Works-->
> <mx:Image id="txtIcon" source="@Embed(source='c:/icon.png')"/>
> <mx:TextArea id="txtArea" width="400" height="200" click="addImage()"/>
> <mx:Script>
> <![CDATA[
> import mx.controls.Image;
> import mx.core.BitmapAsset;
> // Doesn't work
> [Embed(source="c:/icon.png")]
> [Bindable]
> public var imgCls:Class;
> public function addImage():void
> {
> // Doesn't work
> var loadedImg:Image = new Image();
> loadedImg.source = new imgCls() as BitmapAsset;
> loadedImg.x = 10;
> loadedImg.y = 10;
> txtArea.addChild(loadedImg);
> // Note: While the above doesn't work, adding the
> // image to the root display list does work:
> //addChild(loadedImg);
> // Works
> txtIcon.x = 50;
> txtIcon.y = 10;
> txtArea.addChild(txtIcon);
> }
> ]]>
> </mx:Script>
> </mx:Application>

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