Damn.  Sorry the last paragraph should read:

"Since the bitmap is not apart of the document in the TextArea you
aren't going to get clipping or scrolling of that image."


On Sun, Jun 1, 2008 at 10:52 AM, Charlie Hubbard
> Right.  Image is a UIComponent, and TextArea is a UIComponent.
> UIComponent's can't contain other UIComponents without being a
> subclass of Container or implementing the IContainer interface.  Not a
> simple task.
> addChild() is defined in DisplayObject which apart of the Flash API
> not the Flex API.  BitmapAsset is a sublcass of DisplayObject and not
> UIComponent.  So you can add it to the text area directly using this
> code:
>                var img : BitmapAsset = new imgCls() as BitmapAsset;
>                img.x = txtArea.mouseX;
>                img.y = txtArea.mouseY;
>                txtArea.addChild( img );
> Now, try that out, and you'll start to see some issues that you'll
> have to asess if this is going to work for what you're trying to do.
> Since the bitmap is not apart of the document in the TextArea you are
> going to get clipping or scrolling.  If you want to do that you'll
> have to get really dirty with the TextArea API.  Probably even
> ditching TextArea altogether and writing your own, or modifying rich
> text editor.
> Charlie
> On Thu, May 29, 2008 at 5:37 PM, aarhac <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> I have figured out how to work around my problem, but I do wonder why
>> one of the following methods works, and the other doesn't. I would be
>> grateful if someone could explain the error in the failing method.
>> The code is pasted below (Below the line of dashes) in it's entirety,
>> and is commented as to which works and which doesn't.
>> The image referenced in this case is a 32x32 pixel png file on my
>> local system. I am attempting to display the image "on" a text area.
>> Using the default example from the flex documentation to embed an
>> image, I cannot get the image to show up when added to the text area's
>> display list, but it does show just fine when added to the root
>> display list. I also added the image to the textArea using
>> addChildAt(txtIcon, txtArea.numChildren) with no change in effect.
>> The second method works just fine. I imagine that the problem has
>> something to do with applying the image as a byte array to
>> image.source, but I wonder why exactly? Is this a bug?
>> Thanks in advance,
>> --Aaron
>> ------------------------------------
>> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
>> <mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml";
>> layout="absolute">
>> <!--Works-->
>> <mx:Image id="txtIcon" source="@Embed(source='c:/icon.png')"/>
>> <mx:TextArea id="txtArea" width="400" height="200" click="addImage()"/>
>> <mx:Script>
>> <![CDATA[
>> import mx.controls.Image;
>> import mx.core.BitmapAsset;
>> // Doesn't work
>> [Embed(source="c:/icon.png")]
>> [Bindable]
>> public var imgCls:Class;
>> public function addImage():void
>> {
>> // Doesn't work
>> var loadedImg:Image = new Image();
>> loadedImg.source = new imgCls() as BitmapAsset;
>> loadedImg.x = 10;
>> loadedImg.y = 10;
>> txtArea.addChild(loadedImg);
>> // Note: While the above doesn't work, adding the
>> // image to the root display list does work:
>> //addChild(loadedImg);
>> // Works
>> txtIcon.x = 50;
>> txtIcon.y = 10;
>> txtArea.addChild(txtIcon);
>> }
>> ]]>
>> </mx:Script>
>> </mx:Application>

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