i am using the script below on my 'dragStart' handler of a tree.  the
problem is the drag proxy i'm passing to DragManager.doDrag looks fine on
screen except for it's position is equal to that of the source tree, not my
mouse pointer.  how do i get the drag proxy to sync up location with my

private function dragIt(event:MouseEvent):void
                // Get the drag initiator component from the event object.
                var dragInitiator:Tree = event.currentTarget as Tree;

                // Create a DragSource object.
                var dragSource:DragSource = new DragSource();

                var item:XML = event.target.selectedItem;
                // Add the data to the object.

                // Create a filterItem to use as a drag proxy.
                var dragProxy:filterItem = new filterItem();
                dragProxy.properties = item;
                dragProxy.width = 500;
                // the drag initiator is seen as the list, not the list
                // so i need to offset the drag proxy Y to match the mouseY
                // so that the drag proxy stays underneath the mouse
                var offsetY:Number = dragInitiator.y + event.localY;
                // Call the DragManager doDrag() method to start the drag.
                DragManager.doDrag(dragInitiator, dragSource, event,

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