I never had success in editing properties files in Flex Builder. It
always screw up the Chinese characters. So now I always edit them in
Notepad, saving as UTF8, and it works.
What you can try is, copy and paste your text in Notepad. Delete your
"appStrings.properties" file. In Notepad, save your file as
"appStrings.properties" using UTF8 encoding. See if that works.

Benjamin Durin.

--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "tanarijay" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I am creating an application that displays in a few character sets:
> English, French, & Hindi.
> I am using resource bundles (name/value pairs in UTF-8 encoded text
> files named "appStrings.properties") and Flex 3 to create my
> application.  I am using the resource manager to retrieve the strings:
> e.g.
> <mx:TabNavigator id="mainTabControl" width="100%" height="100%">
>      <view:CustomView label="{resourceManager.getString('appStrings',
> 'customViewString')}"/>
> </mx:TabNavigator>
> Additionally, I use the following code to set the locale of choice in
> my app:
> <mx:Script>
>      <![CDATA[
>      [Bindable]
>      private var locales:Array = [ "en_CA" , "fr_CA", "hi_IN" ];
>      private function localeComboBox_initializeHandler(event:Event):void
>      {
>           localeComboBox.selectedIndex =
> locales.indexOf(resourceManager.localeChain[0]);
>      }
>      private function localeComboBox_changeHandler(event:Event):void
>      {                    
>           resourceManager.localeChain = [ localeComboBox.selectedItem ];
>      }                        
>      ]]>
> </mx:Script>
> <mx:HBox width="100%" height="100%">
>      <mx:Label text="Langauge:"/>
>      <mx:ComboBox id="localeComboBox" dataProvider="{locales}"             
>            initialize="localeComboBox_initializeHandler(event)"           
>             change="localeComboBox_changeHandler(event)"/>
> </mx:HBox>
> The problem is that English & French characters display correctly, but
> Hindi characters do not. They show up as a a series of squares.
> Has anyone encountered this before?  Does anyone have an idea what the
> problem is?

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