Hello all,

I am having an issue with the component I am using for my itemRender
on  a list. The itemRenderer is canvas based, and I have the main
layout done in mxml. in the layout I have a VBox with and id of

on load I run a function that pulls together content from an
arraycollection and an object (hashMap). in the function I dynamically
build and add children to the metadataList. Most of the children are
labels, but I also use the flowContainer with button children to do a
tag cloud type listing. Most of the time this works correctly.

Here is the Problem. Every so often the row will render but the action
script spawned children do not display in the metadataList on load. if
I scroll down the page and back the row will show with the children
rendered properly. Also if you hold the mouse on the scroll and go
fast up and down the list, random rows will loose the children of

Here is the code for metadataList:

<mx:VBox id="metadataList" width="100%" height="100%" verticalGap="0"/>
Here is the function that populates metadatalist:

protected function addMetaData( stop:int = -1 ):int
var metadataHeight:int = 0;
var items:ArrayCollection = Reference( data ).metaData.items;
var len:int = stop == -1 ? items.length : stop;
var matches:Object = Reference( data ).metaData.matches;
var tagMax:Number = 0;
var tagMin:Number = 100;

// Clear the children since we're changing data

for( var idx:int = 0; idx < len; idx++ )
var item:MetadataItem = items.getItemAt(idx) as MetadataItem;
var tagCloud:FlowContainer = new FlowContainer();
var label:Text = new Text();
var metadataText:String;
var word:String;
var tagScore:Number;
switch (item.name)
case Constants.KNOWLEDGE_MODEL:
var kmLength:int = item.name.length + item.value.length;
var textHeight:int = (kmLength/40 + 1) * 16;
metadataHeight += textHeight;
// building tagCloud.
tagCloud.width = metadataList.width;
// Add tagCloud to the metadataList VBox
metadataList.addChild( tagCloud );
var last:int = items.length - 1;
var words:Array = item.value.split("; ");
for(var idx2:int = 0; idx2 < words.length; idx2++)
word = words[idx2];
tagScore = matches[word];
tagMax = Math.max(tagScore, tagMax);
tagMin = Math.min(tagScore, tagMin);
for(var idx3:int = 0; idx3 < words.length; idx3++)
word = words[idx3];
tagScore = matches[word];
var tagLabel:Button = new Button();
tagLabel.label = word;
tagLabel.alpha = 0.0;
tagLabel.toolTip = Constants.RELEVANCE + ": " + tagScore.toFixed(2) + "%"

var tagDiff:Number = (tagMax + tagMin) / 2;

if (tagScore == tagMin)
tagLabel.styleName = "tagCloudSmall";
else if (tagScore > tagMin && tagScore < tagDiff)
tagLabel.styleName = "tagCloudMedium";
else if (tagScore < tagMax && tagScore > tagDiff)
tagLabel.styleName = "tagCloudLarge";
else if (tagScore == tagMax)
tagLabel.styleName = "tagCloudLarger";
tagLabel.styleName = "tagCloudMedium";

tagCloud.addChild( tagLabel );
// Add HRule to the metadataList VBox under Tag Cloud
var tagCloudHR:HRule = new HRule();
tagCloudHR.styleName = "tagCloudHR";
tagCloudHR.width = metadataList.width;
metadataList.addChild( tagCloudHR );
metadataText = item.name + ": " + item.value;
textHeight = (metadataText.length/40 + 1) * 14;
metadataHeight += textHeight;
label.text = metadataText;
if ( item.name.toLowerCase() ==
ModelLocator.getInstance().searchResultSortBy.toLowerCase() )
label.styleName = "selectedMetaDataLabel";
label.styleName = "metaDataLabel";
metadataList.addChild( label );

metadataHeight += 15; // for the less button height
return metadataHeight;

any suggestions on what wold be the cause or any suggestions to
optimize this?

thanks for your time


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