There's not going to be any data in there immediately after you call send()
- you need to wait (and listen) for the ResultEvent.RESULT event to occur.

On Mon, Jul 14, 2008 at 1:27 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have a box  in one state,  I remove the  box and then add another box.
> I do this so when the box is complete, I have something to trigger
> getting data from an xml file. (That doesn't seem right, is there a
> better way to trigger a function on entering a State ? )
> I'm testing the data in 2 ways, 1 works and the other doesn't.
> the  HTTPservice:
> <mx:HTTPService id="bookData" url="../media/books.xml"
> resultFormat="e4x" result="xmlObj = XML(bookData.lastResult)" />
> When I send the service:
>  bookData.send();
> the data is sent  to this textArea
> <mx:TextArea text="{xmlObj.toString()}"/>
> So far so good, however, if I put this other test immediately after the
> service call, I'm getting the dreaded NULL reference error.
>        trace(xmlObj.stock.(@id == "1").name);
> Does this mean I need to check for load completion, like an event
> listener on an UrlLoader ?  (if so, How? )
> The documentation seems to indicate it shouldn't be neccesary, so I'm
> not even sure that's the problem
> What's wrong ?
> The xml is below
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
> <books>
> <stock id="1">
> <name>The Picasso Code</name>
> <author>Dan Blue</author>
> <category>Fiction</category>
> <description>Cubist paintings reveal a secret society
> of people who really look like that</description>
> </stock>
> </books>
> ------------------------------------
> --
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"Therefore, send not to know For whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee."

:: Josh 'G-Funk' McDonald
:: 0437 221 380 :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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